New Community for COOs and Operations Launches

Chicago, IL—July 1, 2022—A national community and platform for Chief Operating Officers (COOs) and operations professionals launches today after months of planning and development. Operations Council™ is focused on best practices resources, career development and training, research studies, and peer interaction.

The mission of the Operations Council is to build awareness and understanding of the critical roles of operating executives, and to be the premier resource for operations best practices in the world. In support of this mission, the Operations Council provides extensive resources including articles and white papers, research studies on trending topics, webcasts and roundtable panels, along with a national Career Center for both employers seeking talent, and operations executives and COOs seeking career opportunities.

“Operations Council is an exciting community for operating professionals with specialized programs and resources focused on best practices,” states Operations Council Executive Director, Heather Rowney. “The community is growing rapidly with new features that will serve operations organizations nationally and globally.”

The national Operations Council community is headquartered in Chicago, but available to professionals in the United States and worldwide. Operations Council is guided by an experienced and talented Board of Advisors

Operations executives are invited to register to participate in this exclusive community and receive the latest news and important resources sent directly to your inbox: